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Forms & Documents

 Troop 18 Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct form to be filled out by all Scouts and Adults who are members of Troop 18.

BSA Health Forms: A, B, and C

BSA Health form to be completed annually. Sections A + B + C (C is required for any outing lasting more than 2 nights – requires signature of a doctor. For example: Summer or Winter Camps)

BSA Application for Scout & Adult 

Troop 18 Adult – Annual Registration and Waiver

Form for (re)registration and annual rechartering of Adults. Includes permission for events and uniform fees.

Troop 18 Scout – Annual Registration and Waver

Form for (re)registration and annual rechartering of Youth. Includes event permission and uniform fees.

Troop 18 Parent Interest Form

How can you help Troop 18? Complete this brief survey to tell us!